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Boca Raton Police Services Department S.A.F.E. Program

The Boca Raton Police Services Department is offering the National Self Defense Institute’s “S.A.F.E.” program as a free service for the women of the community. The two-hour S.A.F.E. program provides teenage and adult women with personal safety information and a preliminary familiarization with physical training methods. Prevention, options, strategies, and physical techniques are the key components of the S.A.F.E. Program.

Upon completion of the S.A.F.E. course, participants will benefit from the knowledge of:

· Crime prevention programs

· The opportunity for participants to familiarize themselves with the possibility of future physical skills training.

· A 13-piece full color folio packed with valuable safety information every woman should know.

· A 17-minute motivational video that is shown as part of every program.

· A comprehensive offering of risk reductions strategies.

Boca Raton S.A.F.E. classes are instructed by Officer Rosalind Gualtieri, Officer Janine Pratt and Officer Katya Cohen, who have over 40 years of combined law enforcement experience. They ensure each class is conducted in a relaxed, non-intimidating environment and that the fitness levels of all participants are taken into consideration.

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